Related non-profit organizations and front groups

Note: The data listed on this page was compiled in January 2016, using official company court records.



WISE Central European Association
1031 Budapest, Nánási utca 1/C.
Representative: Imre Tóth

Note: this a membership organization for Scientologist businesspeople, staffed by Sea Org members. WISE is an abbreviation of World Institute of Scientology Enterprises, the association is the Hungarian branch office of  WISE International.

Hubbard College Hungary Limited Partnership
1161 Budapest, Pálya u 83.
Representative: MASCO Ltd., i.e. the CEO of Masco (Nándor Juhos)
Note: this is the legal entity that operates “Hubbard College Budapest”, which provides business training courses



Association for Better Living and Education Foundation
(ABLE Central Europe)

1031 Budapest, Nánási út 1/C.
Trustee: Attila Márkus
Board members: Attila Márkus, Erzsébet Gyémánt , József Koczkás

Note: this organization promotes the social betterment and secular methods of Scientology (drug prevention, rehabilitation of criminals, educations, morals). It is staffed by Sea Org members. The foundation is the Hungarian branch office of ABLE International.

The following organizations fall under the supervision of ABLE:

Drug prevention and rehabilitation:

NARCONON Hungary Foundation
1073 Budapest, Erzsébet körút 33. 3./15.
Representative: Mrs. József Ferencz née Mária Badacsonyi
Board members: Mrs. József Ferencz, Beáta Kutor and Péter Márton

Narconon Hungary Association
1162 Budapest, Cibakháza 31.
Representative: Kornél Varga

Hungarian Prevention Foundation
1087 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán körút 76. V//503.
Representative: Gergely Németh Gergely
Board members: Gergely Németh, Zoltán Soós, Szilva Lagzi
Note: one of the organizations behind the Marathon for a Drug-free Hungary

Helios Foundation
1087 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán körút 76.
Representatives: Ilona Ildikó Braun, Zoltán Soós
Board members: Xénia Varga, Ilona Ildikó Braun, Zoltán Soós
Note: one of the organizations behind the Marathon for a Drug-free Hungary

United for a Drug-free Veszprém Foundation
8200 Veszprém, Állvány u. 10.
Representative: István Demecs

Criminal reform:

Criminon Hungary Foundation
1141 Budapest, Szugló utca 82.
Representative: Gyöngyi Gabriella Marosi
Board members: Gyöngyi Gabriella Marosi, Marianna Nemec , Zsolt Tamás, László Miklós Zoltán

Distributors of the Way to Happiness book:

The Way to Happiness Non-profit Ltd.
1161 Budapest, Rezgőfű u. 1. 2/4.
Representative: Antónia Novák

Youth for Human Rights Foundation
1046 Budapest, Tél utca 74.
Representatives: Péter Vági, Kata Ács
kuratórium: Péter Vági, Kata Ács, Zoltán Szakál

Study technology:

Applied Scholastics Hungary Non-Profit Ltd.
2011 Budakalász, Erdőhát u. 22.
Representative: Judit Telekesi

Knowledge-Hive Foundation
1161 Budapest, Pálya u. 83.
President: Piroska Venesz
Board members: Piroska Venesz, Dóra Gyurka, Zita Ferencz-Püspök
Note: operates a Scientology nursery called “Blinking Dog”

Anti-psychiatry activism:

Citizens Commission for Human Rights Central Europe Foundation
2230 Gyömrő, Szent Imre út 66.
President: Klára Hídvégi
Board members: Klára Hídvégi, György Lenkei MD, Gergely Tóth

Citizens Commission for Human Rights Foundation
1102 Budapest, Szent László tér 20.
President: János Dobos
Board members: János Dobos,  Mrs. Béla Kozma Béla, Melinda Gyalog


NEW ERA Hungary Publishing Non-profit Corporation “under voluntary liquidation”
1082 Budapest, Leonardo da Vinci utca 12-14.
Note: this was the Hungarian branch office of New Era International, the European publishing company of the Church

Source Foundation (under liquidation)
3534 Miskolc, Iván u. 37. II/2.
Note: this was the predecessor of the Applied Scholastics Non-profit Ltd.

Foundation for a Better Mankind (liquidated)
3529 Miskolc, Középszer u. 92.
Megjegyzés: this was the predecessor of ABLE Central-Europe

Dianetics Association  (liquidated)
1112 Budapest, Brassó u. 39.

Dianetics Center (liquidated)

Related non-profit organizations and front groups